I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Are we all staying away from the Wii and television? I will be doing a little road trip out to New Mexico starting the 16th to rent one of those self-sufficient
earthships that I showed in class. So cool...I'm going to build one one day!
I'll be covering the whole trip on Twitter, if you'd like to follow me (MrDeVoe). I've been busy getting the school garden finished for the 2010-2011 school year and it is just about finished. The most recent addition was a rain barrel donated by Groton Rotary.
Viola, Malcolm C., and I finished the raised bed inside of the greenhouse. This space will be used to grow spinach and lettuce for the cafeteria in late fall and early spring. They are cool-weather crops and the greenhouse should keep them warm enough even when there is snow on the ground. I laid down cardboard first and put topsoil over it so weeds cannot grow through.
We have a LOT of cantaloupes! Those growing in the greenhouse have been suspended in their "hammocks" and we have another bed in the garden that is loaded with them. Stop by to check them out...just do not touch!
Some elementary students during this year's science camp helped plant string beans. All of the produce will be available in the cafeteria when we return to school. We will have string beans, snap peas, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, melons, onions, summer squash, lettuce, peppers, and spinach. Every Tuesday at 7pm is garden volunteer night if you are interested in helping out. There are always weeds to pull. Enjoy the rest of break!