Thursday night the girls modified basketball team beat, bitter rival, Dryden in an exciting finish. There was excellent effort throughout our whole team. Everyone was very agressive (diving after balls, falling on the ground, etc), which leads me to wonder why some ask, during class, if they can go to the nurse because their "leg hurts". And was that Mr. Lott on the Dryden side??
The Boys showed up to support the Girls.
WOW... very close game!!! cant wait till the next!
What was the score?
WOW! that was a VERY close game!
the score was 27-26!
omg that was such a good game i can't belive we won
:) i'm SOO glad we did... haha
um yeah go groton girls.
but quin, kylie and dana
look young, haha. ;]
-danielle simpson.
dryden isnt our rivals
No? Well moreso than Marathon or Tburg wouldn't you say? Who is our main rival anyway? Moravia? I've only been here a year and a half = )
that was an awsome game cant wait till feb. 5th we go to u. springs....Liz
That game was very good!! The girls did great!!
OMG there was so much suspense at the end...god kk and me were like freakin out hah Good game evrybody ;]
that game was full of suspence. huh.....crazy! it was one of the closest b ball games i have ever played in....whhh! it was close!!
dana is so mean he tore my sign.
i thought the game was great.
~jesse s.
every one did a great job at the game. ~jesse sill
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