Also, just a reminder that tomorrow (Saturday) is Earth Day! I wish that everyone would do something for this holiday. You do not necessarily have to replant a forest or anything. Even if you simply recycle something, ride a bike instead of driving, remember to turn off your lights, etc. it will make a difference. Things like this are very important and we should all get into these good habits.
Enjoy the weekend. Monday we will be in the computer labs to work on Me Manuals, so come prepared.
Mr.D its just me Dylan the trip was pretty fun and bye the way I think I know who Queen Victoria is
Great Dylan...glad you had fun. I did as well.
You're right. Don't tell Mr. Lott!
LOL -sam
You laughing at the picture of me touching the tree?
awww... this is a really cool blog.. i wish i had one too back in school.. this is a great thing to do.. you must be a great teacher.. do you teach science in general? anyway im a medical science student in sydney.. and yeah i randomly browse through people's blogs when i'm bored.. ciao.. science rocks!! lol
Thanks for the comment...yeah, Life Science (Biology). Good luck with the medical science.
im never ever gunna b able to get mi me manual done!
U need to come back to english Mr.Devoe also dont u have a spell checker on your labtop.
Just keep pluggin' away. Its a horrible weekend outside...you can knock off a lot. We are in the computer lab Monday and Wednesday also.
No worries
Maybe I'll stop by ELA class next week for some refreshers.
HA HA Mr. Devoe u would fail English with a 9%
Happy Earth Day everyone
Mr. Devoe what is the schools website?
Mr. Devoe that trip was very fun
HEY i just wanted to say that the pancake breakfast for my uncle was a complete succes i thinkk after we count all the donations and in total we prolly have sumwhere between $ 1500-2000 so we did good and a lot of ppl where there so just wanted to let you know how it turned out
i got an i pod BONGO BONG WOHOO!!! hahahahah
wow mr devoe are you like trying to like channel the energy of that tree or somethin haha
dylan does know who i am, but my trusty sidekick would never tell mwahahaha!!!!!!>-)
WHO IS QUEEN V!?!!!!!!!! IT'S DRIVING ME BONKERS!!!!!! And great web site mr.D. Love the pix. they're awesome. got to go. bye!!!
pppppp.s. WHO'S QUEEN V!?!?!?!?!?!
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