Welcome to the classroom blog of Mr. DeVoe - Here you will find photos, videos, class downloads, and other means to celebrate the community of Groton, biology, and environmental science.
08 April 2006
On Saturday 12 members of the middleschool Tri-Sci science club went to the Cornell Vet. School's annual open house. It was a great day despite the cold walk too and from our lunch spot. Here are some pictures - Be sure to click on the picture to see an enlarged version. 7th grade girls that attended included KERRI R. CORINNE N. JENNIFER E. LIZ M. ASHLEY M. AMBER L. BETHANY S. SHELBY W. VANESA Q. and NICHOLE O.
Here is a picture of a dog heart with heartworms...I thought it was kinda cool.
omg that ball python scareed the crap out of me at forst then i jmust held it and i was fine i just remembered they are scared of us more than we are scared of them and that was it the snake felt so awesome it had itself in a knot it was really cool it kept tryin to go up amber's arm she was really freaked out so she handed it back to me lol alright g2g bye
yo mr devoe, you can put music vids on your blog!!!!!! yep thats right, just go to http://videocodezone.com/ and search any band,copy the code,and paste it on your about you or whatever
hey i was wonderin when the trisci homework was due i gotta get it dun and i was also wonderin if we were guna have another trisci trip and if it could be durin the day so we can skip classes and dont have to see that many immature boys??? wright back plz
That dog heart is really gross mr. devoe i cant belive you like that kind if stuff ewww gross and i LOVE snakes that snake beathany steaves is holdin is soooooooo HOT
Hey mr. Devoe this is lizzy. I just wanted u to know that the trip was so cool. to bada some of you guys missed it i mean girls missed it well i was great. g2g byes everyone.
Snakes creep me out when they're big, and not tamed! Otherwise, I think they are cool. I like the pic. of the dog heart with the worms. Doesn't gross me out a bit! =]
omg that ball python scareed the crap out of me at forst then i jmust held it and i was fine i just remembered they are scared of us more than we are scared of them and that was it the snake felt so awesome it had itself in a knot it was really cool it kept tryin to go up amber's arm she was really freaked out so she handed it back to me lol alright g2g bye
yo mr devoe, you can put music vids on your blog!!!!!! yep thats right, just go to http://videocodezone.com/ and search any band,copy the code,and paste it on your about you or whatever
-Queen Victoria
oo nice pictures they are cute im drinking BLUE GATORADE MR DEVOE AND SAM !!!! HAHAHAHAHA
- allison!
eww that picture of that heart is grosss. i was eating when i saw that. other then that it looks like you guys had fun. peace.
hey i was wonderin when the trisci homework was due i gotta get it dun and i was also wonderin if we were guna have another trisci trip and if it could be durin the day so we can skip classes and dont have to see that many immature boys??? wright back plz
yeah thats a sweet python, Allison ur jus jelous of our GREEN tea lol
Trisci homework will be due Wed. We are having a meeting that day at lunch. Not sure about another trip yet....but hopefully.
That dog heart is really gross mr. devoe i cant belive you like that kind if stuff ewww gross and i LOVE snakes that snake beathany steaves is holdin is soooooooo HOT
that brain is discusting. :(
well i just drink my GATORADE cuz thats good !!
peace out homedawgs
hhaaahahha i ment heart.:)
- allison
Snakes, llamas, and heart-worm infested dog hearts...what a great way to spend a saturday afternoon. Not to mention those awesome cookies for lunch.
caitlin u speled my last name wrong thank u very much so hahahahahahahahahaha lol jk
--------------> Bethany
Hey mr. Devoe this is lizzy. I just wanted u to know that the trip was so cool. to bada some of you guys missed it i mean girls missed it well i was great. g2g byes everyone.
Great Liz...glad you enjoyed it.
Mr .devoe, some one told me that they saw abig woodpecker on their front lawnthey tryed to get a pic but it flew away to fast. bad luck huh
Oh sweet! I bet it was a Pileated Woodpecker. They're the largest woodpeckers in this area and usually hang out in parks and peoples' yards and stuff.
hah.. i see me!
=] nikki
Snakes creep me out when they're big, and not tamed! Otherwise, I think they are cool. I like the pic. of the dog heart with the worms. Doesn't gross me out a bit! =]
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