In the 1950's Coca-Cola was considered a Friday evening treat that you drank at the movies or while you're hanging out with that special someone before a make-out session on that point overlooking the cityscape, but today the average American drinks 55 gallons of soda a year! In contrast, how many gallons of water do you drink a year?
Soda causes the lack of calcium absorption, cavities, american childhood obesity, and numerous other health problems. In spite of all this you might think: "Man, if it's that bad then why do we allow the machines in our cafeteria?" The answer is $$$$. Schools are so desperate for funding that we allow Pepsi or Coke to put their machines in the cafeteria because they pay us a lot of money to have them there and advertise their logo. In return, we get money to buy science lab supplies, supplies for school dances, field trip funding, new furniture, etc. Kinda messed up right??? I agree. If you want to learn more about the health benefits of green tea or unsweetened fruit juice...come see me.
Thats a good question. I would love to find out how much money Groton Central School receives from these companies to have these machines in our school district. Would anyone like to email Dr. Myers, Mrs. Shurtleff, and the board of education to find out? Those are the first three contacts that come to mind that might know what we receive. Remember our cross country meet in Marathon - they had that vending machine with apples, raisins, and juice boxes in it? That is a sign that a school district is trying to do something about this problem!
Well this isn't an there is no due date. If you're curious I can hand-deliver a letter to the right person.
To whom it may concern,
I was just wondering...
Mr. Devoe,
You are a grown up, you just think you're a kid. Even though thats what you want to believe, someone has to be the grown up and I can assure you that it isn't going to be the students!! LOL!
= )
"The fact is that women are the first environment," says Katsi. "We accumulate toxic chemicals....They are stored in our bpdy fat and are excreted primarily through our breast milk. What that means is that through (this)... sacred natural link to our babies, they stand the chance of getting concentrated dosages... How are we going to recreate a society where the women are going to be healthy?"-Winona LaDuke, All Our relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life
Congrats Kaitlynn (and the rest of the team)...I will try to make the next home game.
yo know the energy is that extremely bad 4 you..i mean worse than soda..i drink them evry once and a while...and wanted to kno..
Yeah, energy drinks cannot be good for you...especially for middle schoolers. They come naturally energized.
hahah rite. thnx haha
i love soda pop
i saw my name here
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