For Drilling:
Against Drilling:
Learn more about the Gwich 'in tribe.
If you want to write you letter to our new representative, start it out like this:
Dear Mr. Arcuri,
...and sign it with just your name. Do not include your address or phone number as I will make it clear that it is being sent from the school.
Remember, you guys have a lot of power that you don't even realize you have but it is important to include both sides of this issue. The more educated you sound on this issue, the more seriously he will take you. Please hand these in by the end of next week so I can send them to him. If you would, instead, like to send it to a newspaper, by yourself, check out the side bar of my high school science club blog.
wow, haven't bben on here in a while, science this year is boring, life science is much more funnnn
Hey Mr. Devoe,
You know I'm against drilling. If they are going to drill, either find a new place for the animals, or don't drill at all.
Good Courtney...I'm glad to hear you'll write a letter.
Kaitlynn... That site is
Yo mr.deVOe..where in alaska is this again i cant remeber..and gotta write my letter..thnx.
Its called the Arctice National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Its in the Northeast corner of Alaska.
rite..thnx Mr. DeVoe
Sam, what are you takeing this year that is so boring, Lol.
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