Here is a follow-up to something we covered a couple weeks back about the decline of honeybee populations. Here we have some creatures that we depend on to live and we're killing them off at an unpreciented rate. Talk about taking something for granted. Too often do we humans forget that we depend on the vast aura of life around us for our own survival.
This is just one more reason to purchase organic foods - free from pesticides.
“If bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live.”-Albert Einstein
Why does man only have a few years to live if bees go extinct? (dumb question, but please answer :D)
Not a stupid question....If there are no bees, our food would go unpollinated (apples, corn, bananas, grains, etc.) Scarey to think about.
I agree. That is a scarey thing to think about:(
You guys spelled scary wrong, hehe.
Oh well:)
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