28 March 2007

Today we did a pulse rate activity where we graphed our resting pulse rate and the effects of exercise (with help from the William Tell Overture). SKYLER and DANIELLE are almost done!
Today was 7th grade Tri-Sci. We aged fish by "counting the rings" on their otoliths. Ages varied from 1 year to 17 years. Otoloths are very important to Ichthyologists (scientists who study fish) who are interested in studying fish populations and ecology. Our next field trip will be Sat 21 April at Cornell. We will do more marine biology activities and hear a lecture from a real marine biologist. Very Cool!


Anonymous said...

My picture wasn't on there?! Of course :(

Chad DeVoe said...

The picture didn't turn out that well because my camera isn't very good. Next Time

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mr. DeVoe......I don't know how to make a blog AT ALL. I need help!!

Anonymous said...

danielle you look tired?? ha ha. your soo pretty. hi skyler


Anonymous said...

thats me. :]

-danielle simpson

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I NEED HELP.

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... how do I delete a post?! (PLEASE RESPOND)

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the picture, but thanks for letting me into Mr.Wekk's room. I would have had to ask the janitor to let me in. I'm very shy around people I don't really know. That would have been horable. Thanks Again, Bye!

Chad DeVoe said...

Alen, you have to be on the "Dashboard" in order to delete posts.

Chad DeVoe said...

No problem Jenna...hope you enjoyed the play.

Anonymous said...

i think that we look good

Anonymous said...

hey every one thoing i danica justr saying hi. u look so tired ashlyn well g2g tttyl
luv lots, danica

Danica said...

hey u look so tired ashlyn and jai looks interested in something well talk tou later
lvu always, danica