09 April 2007

I've said it before and I'll say it again. We're really lucky to have the resources we do around the school grounds. This morning Mr. Rhoads, Mr. Wiech, Mr Syacuse and I met with two "forest rangers" from the DEC to hike around the wetland across the street. Our plan is to put in a bridge, a couple trails, and an observation deck for science labs. Later this afternoon I walked out back to plan for our small mammal traping study and scared up a red fox and found a Red-tail Hawk nest...mom and dad didn't like me near the base of their tree and shreeked at me. Hope everyone's enjoying their break. Photo credit: William Leon Dawson


Anonymous said...

where'd u find this?

Chad DeVoe said...

The nest is right behind the school in the woods.

Anonymous said...

what kind of birds nest is it?